What on earth is this?! Well I'm about to explain :)
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not
from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast." -Ephesians 2:8-9. Yes, this means that nothing we could ever do can ever amount to getting us into heaven. Even the best "Oprah" of them all couldn't make it because everyone messes up. But because Jesus paid the price by dying on the cross for us, all who believe in him and that he died for their sins can go to heaven. Amazing, huh?
Hey guys! Yes, it's eight am and I am sitting at my lap top posting you another update about my book. Are they driving you crazy yet? Of course not, or else you wouldn't be sitting here still reading this :) Anyways, thanks so much for stopping by to check out my blog; I would seriously be no where without you guys! And God, of course :)
So for those of you who are new to my blog and are like, "What on earth is this weird way too girly pink thing?", this is my web page where I can tell you about the stuff I'm working on! (New books, story plans, songs, etc.) Currently it's the novel I just finished, Seeing Triple. I have the
synopsis and sneak peek below, as earlier posts. And guess what? You can totally help me :) So please, please, please leave feedback and comments on what you think 'bout everything, and don't forget to follow my blog. (top side, on the right of my postings.)
Thanks a million; you guys are the best! Shine on :)