What Is Seeing Triple?

"  Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love."  -1 John 4:8 

        Are you interested in something fresh and compelling? A 

novel packed with passion and excitement, inspiring readers of all 

ages? A story that will keep you on the edge of your seat? Allow 

me to introduce you to my novel, Seeing Triple

My name is Karisa You. I am from Southern California, with a deep faith in God and a huge passion for writing. As for my personal life, I accepted Christ as my personal Lord and Savior when I was four years old, and he has been my faithful companion ever since.  

        Unfortunately, there is an incredible lack of literature, these days, for teens and young women to look to for inspiration, a good laugh, and pure clean enjoyment. Thousands of teens and young women search in vain for an entertaining, sparkling, and heartfelt novel; however, all America seems to offer are vampire-filled blood suckers or gossip enrobed magazines and books. The choice selection is simply just too low for readers who seek an inspiring, fun-filled novel. My novel, Seeing Triple, combines all of these components. Through my writing, I am targeting the 15,000,000 females in America from ages thirteen to twenty one. Seeing Triple is an inspirational fiction novel that readers search the shelves for, highlighting the three diverse stories of identical triplet sisters after their move across the country. Seeing Triple mixes excitement and inspiration, adding a touch of romance and a little spark to the everyday life that any high schooler can relate to. It is a story of heartbreaks and heart makeovers, as readers can relate to the numerous challenges overcome through trusting in God and succumbing to his will. Seeing Triple is a book for anyone, saved or not, as it provides the Spirit-filled inspiration for believers, as well as the simple entertainment and harmless enjoyment for non-believers. It will bring the saved closer to God and the unsaved home to him. This novel captures the thoughts and feelings that teenagers everywhere daily cope with. The story centers around the stories of three sophomore triplets, illustrating the great impact which God plays on their lives. It is the novel readers have been waiting for.

Readers often scour the shelves for a novel which will combine all of their most beloved components of writing. Seeing Triple captures the feelings and challenges that every teenage girl struggles with, using faith and trust to help her overcome these struggles. This inspiring story of three dynamic and unpredictable triplets, Natalie, Aubrey, and Madi Gray, captures the hearts and spirits young readers everywhere. This is a novel that girls can easily connect to, as readers will eventually fall in love with the quirky and heroic characters Seeing Triple introduces into this world.

Keep checking up for sneak peeks and updates, and prayers are much, much appreciated! I'm waiting for God's call on the novel and his wisdom and direction in life :) Praise the Lord for his faithfulness and love; he will never forsake. God bless, and shine on my stars.




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